Life Tuning
For those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Bible.
domingo, 12 de maio de 2019
domingo, 5 de maio de 2019
Salvation, immortality or eternal life? What is your choice?

The Gospel Word shows these three categories of human existence.
Most Christians I know live their faith for salvation.
Immediate and instantaneous rescue.
Salvation of the problems of life.
Salvation of diseases and diseases.
Salvation of financial matters.
Salvation of personal needs and anguishes.
Salvation of family problems.
Salvation of the devil and his evil deeds.
Salvation from hell and its eternal damnation.
Salvation from sins and the terrible judgment that will fall on sinners.
In short, there are many reasons why people "serve" God and go to churches today!
Many people think that faith in Jesus is also an "elixir" of immortality.
Like, reach the resurrection.
Do not go through the "Great Tribulation".
Enter the "new Jerusalem."
Living in the "millennium".
Have an "abode" in Heaven.
Walking the "streets of gold".
I do not discuss the reasons and legitimacies of these "desires."
But none of this is the essence of Eternal Life.
Alas, few people today are living the eternal life. That is, for most Christians, eternal life is something that is "pushed" and thought in terms of "the future," but Jesus said that whoever believes in Him HAVE eternal life and will NOT have eternal life.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus shows us that eternal Life has no relation to the future, but to something that can and should be experienced NOW.
For the majority of Christians I know salvation is something that strikes anguish every day against sin, the devil and the world. They never enter the REST (Hebrews 4). It is a life of "berean" and "apologetic" all the time. True "doctrine" must be "saved," otherwise God and Jesus will "lose" and Christianity will be "threatened" by Islam, the new age, and heresies.
"Christian" life is characterized by the possibility of "losing" salvation or the "crown of life".
It's living on the razor's edge.
None of this is related to eternal life.
And what is Eternal Life?
Jesus himself gave the answer in John 17: 3: "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent."
Eternal life is not living in heaven.
It is not forgiveness of sins.
It is not believing in true doctrine.
It is not getting rid of sin.
It's not not going to hell.
It is not "walking the streets of gold".
It's nothing like that, plus it includes all of this!
Paul, the apostle, said that he renounced all that he was and all he had to "know him"! (Philippians 3:10). He did not want to "go to heaven" but "to be with Christ." Like this: if Jesus were not in Heaven, nor in Heaven, he would want to be more! The sky is not heaven without Jesus there! Now hell turns to Heaven if Jesus is there! Or rather, any place that exists becomes heaven if Jesus is present, on the other hand, any "paradise" becomes hell if Jesus is not present!
Realizing this, "he that shall boast (of anything!), Glory in this: to know me, and to know that I am the Lord, and to do mercy, and judgment, and righteousness in the land: wherefore doth it please itself, saith the Lord "(Jeremiah 9:24).
Eternal life has begun long ago!
It began on the cross in Jesus!
Reinaldo de Almeida
Revelation - A Different Approach

Apocalypse at the imminence of what its fulfillment means in the full and concrete way.
But in failures of nothing to accomplish, it has been overly frustrating and unique, it seems to be true, real and true, something to become seriously leaving as skeptical, cynical and indifferent people according to the world. and technological.
I have read many books on the Apocalypse, one of the main American authors. Obviously, bringing a view of the end times through the backdrop of the capitalist universe in opposition at the time of Soviet communism and against Roman Catholicism. In the 1970s and 1980s, Brazil, as always, in a mixture of Roman Catholic and Protestant evangelical Adventist, has repeatedly adopted another American interpretive view of respect for the Apocalypse.
Most church and church strands, which are a criticism, just a finding, Protestant and evangelical roots that prophesy the end of the world and the "return of Christ" are like Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, are groups that historically came of North America. Religious groups are the largest and best-known groups that sometimes have end-of-the-world dates and people have their data or interpretations because of their repetitive failures. Other others groups them with other fans and less expressive.
The failure of the prophecies of the Apocalypse was not fulfilled with the look of our eyes, not limited only to the people within the walls of ecclesiastical models, but also within the esoteric meeting rooms as more varied and television documentaries in the open and closed channels, seemed failures very similar to previous ones and with repercussions in more comprehensive scales; The Channel Channel example of several episodes of Channel History Channel about the Mayan Apocalypse.
In an attempt to finance the calendar, the comparison and the resemblance of doses of text of the Apocalypse, add to that many cinematographic productions with the Hollywood special, were several end-of-the-world documentaries for December 2012 ... But nothing happened. That sad!
Some, even in the face of prophesied interpretative engagement, try to give a proper explanation, but they are no more convincing than ill-calculated prophetic error.
So, in the face of all this and all kinds of attempts to speak, how come you are no longer self-deceived? How much much "stupid" of my party?
For this reason, I dare to take a very different and alternative way by which I have already traveled and not leaving "burned", on the contrary, I challenge the dear reader to walk it with, so that to see this wonderful book of the sacred Bible, you abbreviation abovementioned abovementioned abovementioned abovementioned
Let's start then, taking into consideration some important details of start and introduction ...
The revealed secrets mark the end of the history of human civilization in the book of Revelation exist in 4 perceived rhythms:
1º) LINEAR TIME - This is our time, our little world; we only go past, present and future. Yesterday, today and Tomorrow. Breakfast, lunch and dinner ... And so on ... This is something of the Christian West, capitalist and industrialized. We walk with the wristwatch so we do not lose an hour! We are totally immersed in this rhythm. We just think that way. We are conditioned and addicted to thinking so linearly. So our interpretations of the Apocalypse are made only in linear time. Even in "Facebook" we have our "timeline". What a sadness!
2) CYCLICAL TIME - also called spiral rhythm, like the rhythm of the Mayas, Incas, Hopis and Aztecs, in the form of disco, dish; Life is a spiral that we have as non-microcosm the record of DNA and not macrocosm the Milky Way.
Things that happened millions of years ago, still happen today, several times. There have already been several "apocalypses" in the history of angelic, jurassic and human civilization.
3º) SIMULTANEOUS TIME - God sees us here, and sees who is in hospitals, houses, streets, rain, forests, slums, bars, churches, in Earthworms The amoebas, atoms and subatomic particles to the corners of the Universe, the microscopic creatures to the angels and demons, are in the same indivisible part of time, at any place at all.
4) ETERNAL TIME - for God, Jesus died before the world, and for this reason we end here a doctrine of predestination, reincarnation, election, universalism, dispensationalism and even any other

There is no specific statement about suicide in the Bible!
Unless we have the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" as a statement of attack upon one's own life, which would be implicitly understood of the suicidal act. But the fact remains that the Scriptures say nothing about the suicidal, neither a priori nor a posterioriore.
The "idea" of attacking one's life is not even vented among the biblical characters. The very anguish experienced by some biblical characters as in the case of Elijah who asked God to take his soul, or as in the case of Job, who cursed the day he was born, suggests to us how much this "hypothesis of escape" from reality it was ruled out of them to attempt against themselves. Only God, the author of all life, had this right. They could be anything but suicidal!
However, in the Bible there are four narratives of characters who committed suicides and that even so, their motives were very explicit because of the act committed. Let's see:
Samson: (Judges 16:30) There was no intention of killing himself without a purpose. Samson was a valiant, solitary warrior; there was a strategy of personal combat where his death would kill more Philistine oppressors he himself killed in his entire life. It was the pinnacle of a solitary battle that had struck his life against his oppressing neighbors.
SAUL: (1 Samuel 31: 5) The king's act was a gesture of personal pride of a soldier-leader. Saul knew that his reign had come to an end. His state of mental confusion was huge and it got worse on the battlefield. There, in an end of combat, to take the life throwing on its own sword, was the unique honorable exit that it found.
Aitofel: (2 Samuel 17:23) Wiser than the counselors of the king's son, when he was disregarded, Absalom would be defeated, presuming exactly the vexation he would face over David, and Ahithophel preferred to kill himself.
JUDAS: (Matthew 27: 5) - The classic case most commented and taken as a referential of doom and final destiny to hell.
Jesus called Judas "the son of perdition." Somehow Jesus knew that Judas was going to get lost. This denomination of Jesus to Judas can have two meanings: Judas would not be reached with forgiveness and restoration as happened to Peter because of his desperate and premeditated act. There would be no time; Judas would hang himself, and with his state of remorse, one would not be able to bring him back to the feeling of forgiveness and grace. The presence of the devil is striking and revealing in the episodes in which the act of betrayal of Judas is manifested (John 17:12). His state of perdition has become a mental, physical, and spiritual perdition.
As for the present day, the reasons that lead a person to commit such an attack on his own life, we do not have any kind of judgment. The so-called Christian religions - Catholicism, Spiritism and Protestantism - dogmatized the suicide as a condemned and supposedly lost and wandering for all eternity but the Bible has nothing to say about it. Only God knows the final moments and the mental state of a person in the moment of great violence against itself. I do not believe that every suicide "is lost for eternity." The mercy of God goes beyond our dogmas and judgments.
In a way, all humanity is suicidal. Even at this very moment.
Reinaldo de Almeida.
sábado, 4 de maio de 2019
Series: The seven churches of the Apocalypse and their dealings with the churches these days.
Series: The seven churches of the Apocalypse and their dealings with the churches these days.
The churches in the Apocalypse were not denominational. The New Testament configuration was very different from what we are witnessing today. The church was not divided into organizational groups and subgroups in the same way as we find it today. The divisions were simply a geographic necessity and the only division recognized by Jesus there was the divisions of locality of the "polis," that is, of the cities, so that we have seven cities there, not seven denominational groups. This understanding is very important in analyzing the implications of the word "angel" in that specific portion of the Apocalypse.
Today the local churches in a single city are divided into denominational groups and subgroups. People do not gather around the doctrine of the apostles and the teachings of Jesus. The denominational motivation is for various and non-biblical reasons which in very relativize the message of the "angel-angel". The angel-man is more hostage than the need to obey the configuration of his denomination, than to follow and obey the message of the angel-angel who acts on the city.
Another great difference was the absence of temples as we know it today and we call it "church". In Jesus' mind, church is people, people, people. The apostles also thought of the church as such. The church then had no "temples." The people gathered around the doctrines, teachings and testimonies of the apostles. Communion was not a "Sunday night" thing. The historical situation of a persecuted and marginalized group itself fostered love and unity among them.
Consider also the fact that in the days of John in Patmos and before him there was not yet a "New Testament." They used the scrolls (which were expensive!), From the letters of the apostles that circulated from city to city and from some biographical versions of Jesus written by some apostles. That is, the need for "synchronisms" with the spiritual realities and the search for a word of revelation that was in agreement with the apostles' teachings justified the sending of the letters of Jesus to the churches! There were not the denominational, doctrinal, cultural, and personifying relativisms that exist today!
Therefore, when one asserts himself as an angel of the church by the necessity of imposing upon his congregation, more from an authoritarian perspective than spiritual authority, he does not know what he is doing and how he is putting himself in a dangerous position before God, angels and men.
Right here in this blog I have a more complete text of the Study of the Apocalypse: https: // Q = Apocalipse
Reinaldo de Almeida

Therefore, when one asserts himself as an angel of the church by the necessity of imposing upon his congregation, more from an authoritarian perspective than spiritual authority, he does not know what he is doing and how he is putting himself in a dangerous position before God, angels and men.
Right here in this blog I have a more complete text of the Study of the Apocalypse: https: // Q = Apocalipse
Reinaldo de Almeida
Postagens (Atom)
There is no specific statement about suicide in the Bible! Unless we have the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" as a state...